A video expressing in images

Untold Tales
2 min readNov 25, 2020

In this video titled “La culpa es de uno” he does not narrate how the author feels alone. What I found very curious about this video and the reflection it makes is that many people can interpret it in different ways, for example, I listened to it alone and understood it in one way, later I listened to it with my mother and she understood it in another way.

In my perspective when I heard this reflection I understood that it was about a couple or that he was referring to his partner who had left him because it had not worked and that he felt alone and empty with his departure.

For that reason, select photographs of a couple, of how they feel happy and full when they are with this special person and their world is pink … and we can see the radical change in the images of how their life changes completely when they finish, leaving this emptiness and sadness in their lives.

How did you feel when listening to this video?

Written by: Brenda Martinez

